Tuesday, July 27

A sweet shot

Sometimes a sweet shot is a brilliant photo. An incredible example of photographic prowess.

But if you happen to have a son who's spending the summer thousands of miles away from home, and if you happen to get the chance to visit him, and if he happens to smile for you, well . . .

. . . it doesn't matter how perfect the photo is. It's a sweet shot.

Check out all the sweet shots at Darcy's!


  1. Any shot of a son is a sweet shot! He has GREAT hair!

  2. He's so handsome! :) What a great looking family you have. :)

  3. Sweet Shot. For sure!

    CA seems to be treating him well.

    This is perfect proof that the iPhone is a viable and valuable camera.


  4. Yay! So glad you got to visit him! Any time I can coax my kiddo into smiling a REAL smile (as opposed to fake camera smiles) for a picture it makes my heart happy. : )

  5. I'll say that is a sweet shot. Your son is very handsome.

  6. Awwww, sweet shot indeed... and a sweet post :)
    sending hugs

  7. what a handsome guy! So glad you had some time together, and he's happy too, you can tell by the real smile!!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  8. What a sweet photo! I'll bet that you'll be glad when he is home!

  9. thousands of miles away? is that allowed?! glad you got a chance to visit :)

  10. It is such a sweet shot! That one needs to go in a frame :)

  11. Hi Richella~
    I saw your fudge on somewhat simple! It looked sooo good. I especially liked the way you wrapped it up for gift giving. I would love for you to share it next week at my Pretty Packages Party. Stop by and get a button so you don't forget! I'm your newest follower!


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