Friday, May 6

A little too much excitement

When my boys were little, they would judge the excitement of a day by how many different kinds of vehicles they saw. Together, we read books about vehicles. We sang songs about vehicles. We watched videos about vehicles. We had a Matchbox car collection so large it was practically uncontainable.

When my oldest son, Will, was four years old, he went on a special trip with my husband. They called home upon arriving at their hotel. Will's breathlessly thrilling report to me? "I rode in a van, a bus, an airplane, and a rental car ALL IN ONE DAY!" In the world of a family of boys, a day doesn't get much better than that.

But even in a family of boys, it was altogether a little too exciting for this vehicle to arrive at our house on Wednesday evening:

I snapped this photo with my phone just before I climbed in to accompany my husband to Duke Hospital. Jack's open-heart surgery is now three weeks past, and he's been doing really well. But he had a setback on Wednesday when his heart developed arrhythmia and he fainted. He hit his chest on our living room sofa when he went down--right across his incision site. Miraculously, he was not badly hurt. But he fainted again as Preston and I were helping him into our bedroom. At that point I called 911.

And that's how I got the exciting chance to ride in an ambulance.

So Jack is back in the hospital for a couple of days. Thank God, he's doing well now. Apparently some post-surgical inflammation caused the arrhythmia. They conducted a lot of tests to rule out any other problems; everything was fine. They performed a process called cardioversion to stop and re-start his heart. I'll admit that was a little scary, but now his heart in normal rhythm. His cardiologist also prescribed an anti-arrhythmic drug that he'll have to take for several weeks. He'll remain in the hospital for observation for another day or so, and then he should get to go home.

Will you join me in thanking God for protecting Jack? It's been a rough couple of days, but I am brought to my knees in gratitude in considering how much worse things could have been. I think I've had all the excitement I need for one week!


  1. praying for a quiet weekend!

    LORD, please grant Richella's family an incredibly quiet weekend... one full of peace and joy in their journey. I ask that You quickly heal her husband and bring him home soon! In Jesus' name, amen!

  2. Your sweet family has been on my mind (and prayers) the past few days. I was wondering why. Now I know! Praying for healing and courage. Let's not keep life THAT exciting, m-kay? :)

  3. Oh My Richella! That would have been scary! I am so glad that they are taking good care of Jack...and that he will be home in a couple of days.

    I am saying a prayer for him right now...and for you my dear!

    May you have a blessed weekend.

    Happy Mother's Day


  4. Definitely THANKING GOD! I'll keep praying for healing for him! So happy to hear he's doing better now.

  5. Goodness, does it never end! I hope your hubby settles down and lets you have a relaxing weekend ;-) So glad he is feeling better, what a scare for you all though.
    Praying everything will go smoothly from here on out. Have a beautiful Mother's Day weekend Richella.
    Sending love and hugs

  6. Richella, I am so thankful that he is okay. I have been praying for him. I think you have had enough excitement for a while! Carla

  7. What a scary few days you've had. I'm so thankful that it all turned out ok.

  8. Richella, I am so thankful he is okay.
    I will keep him in my prayers.....Have a wonderful and restful Mother's Day!

  9. Rejoicing with you- have a blessed Mother's Day!

  10. Goodness gracious! Hoping you have a quiet, relaxing weekend. Happy Mother's Day! I'll keep praying for Jack & the family.

  11. Richella, I'm praying for you and Jack...for continued strength and healing, and thanksgiving for His protection!

  12. You're right that's too much excitement. So glad Jack is okay. Hope you have a very calm weekend and that he heals very quickly.

  13. Bless your heart! I saw the ambulance before I read and panic washed over me. Thank you Lord that Jack is okay. Praying for a speedy recovery! HUGS to you, Richella!

  14. I am sending many prayers your way, Richella. You really don't deserve any more of this excitement like this...I wish Jack all the best.


  15. Oh, bless your heart! Will definitely be praying for all of you.

  16. Indeed, sure will be praying for a quiet and uneventful weekend. Thanks to our Almighty God for Grace and Healing and watching over Jack!


  17. So thankful to hear Jack is okay. How scary that must have been.

  18. Richella, we have never met, but you and your family have been in prayers these past few weeks. I am sorry for the unexpected and unwanted excitement this past week. I know that was scary! I am thanking and praising the Lord for His goodness and mercy, and will be praying for continued recovery for your husband,and that he will be home quickly with no more setbacks. I pray His peace and rest for you during this time. Our God is a huge God and I am glad you are leaning fully into Him.

  19. I had lunch with Kim on Thursday and she gave me an update. So glad things are improving!

  20. Thank you God for protecting this beautiful family!

  21. Richella praising God that Jack is doing better! Praying for you too as a caregiver. You have a very draining job so praying for your strength sweet friend.

  22. Bless your heart, girl! So thankful he'll be home (AGAIN!) soon. Still praying for y'all!

  23. Richella,

    So glad to hear that your hubby is recovering well after such a scary incident! My prayers remain with you all.

    Also, I want to wish you a very blessed and joy filled Mother's Day :-) You share so much of your heart with each of us through your words and for that, I am thankful. There are many days when your posts have "just the right word" of encouragement for me. Thank you for sharing of your peace, love, and soul with us :-)


  24. Hello,
    I have been following you blog for quite some time and just wanted to say I am glad to read your husband is OK. Wishing all of you the best. Take care.

  25. Oh Richella, I'm so sorry! That must have been terrifying, please know that prayers are being continually lifted up for Jack & the rest of your family. What amazing grace that Lord has poured out thus far over you. I pray that he continues to do so & that Jack heals quickly.

  26. Just getting caught up, Richella, and had time to read your blog. I'm so grateful to the Lord that Jack is okay and that Preston was there to help you... I hope your Mother's Day was much less eventful. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  27. i'm sorry...these experiences are not easy! my husband was diagnosed w/ colon cancer & had surgery w/in 3 wks. God blessed us w/a contained cancer & his lymphs & liver are clear...we PRAISE HIM! recovery takes lots of patience for an active man but grace is there for us!


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