When I was younger, I sometimes felt that life seemed little dull, that there was too much same-old-same-old. Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever wished something exciting would happen?
These days, I find myself longing for some same-old-same-old days. The past couple of weeks serve as perfect examples of how my heart can be yanked from one kind of event to the next, with scarcely a moment to catch my breath in between.
One of the events was a wonderful one: the high school graduation of my beloved niece Sadie. She's a tiny powerhouse: a brilliant mind and a glorious spirit housed in a beautiful person.
Here she is giving the valedictory address at her school:
To say that I'm proud to be her aunt would be a great understatement. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest as I listened to her.
But in the very same week as this celebration came one of the saddest events of my life: the death of my precious Aunt Laura. Aunt Laura was married to my beloved namesake, my Uncle Richard. She had just turned 70. Seeing my Uncle seated beside her casket rather than with her at his side nearly did me in.
Hundreds and hundreds of people came to the funeral home to pay their respects. Finally we got a photo of some of the family who had gathered:
To say that I'm sad at my aunt's passing would also be a huge understatement.
This is life, isn't it? We grieve and we celebrate. We mourn and we dance. And in the midst of it all, we try to make our homes places of grace.
I'm grateful that you've come here to share the ways you're making your home a place of grace, so even with my heart nearly bursting, I'm privileged to host this party. I invite you to link posts about
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