Last year at this time, I was in New York City. My husband and I had taken a little vacation, and the last thing we did before heading home was to watch part of the St. Patrick's Day parade.
Things sure have changed, haven't they?
In a world with so much uncertainty, it's easy to give in to fear. If we're honest, we'll admit that there's plenty to be anxious about. We're worried about our health, the health of our loved ones, our jobs, our retirement accounts, our children who are missing school, our neighbor's children who depend on free or reduced lunches, small business owners who might go bankrupt, healthcare systems that may become overwhelmed, the state of the economy. . . the list is endless.
And yet.
Christ Himself is with us. And though we worry, we don't have to give in to fear.
I love these words from the breastplate of St. Patrick, and I'm singing them to myself today. Won't you join me?
Christ be with me,
Christ within me,
Christ behind me,
Christ before me,
Christ beside me,
Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort
And restore me.
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ in quiet,
Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of
All that love me,
Christ in mouth of
Friend and stranger.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, friends!

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