Hello, friends! I pray you are safe and well. Can you believe we're just one week from Thanksgiving?
I've noticed that for months 2020 seemed to drag interminably. Now, though, the weeks are flying by! Does it seem that way to you? My brain knows that each week contains 168 hours, but I'm not sure my heart gets the message.
I am certain, though, that I am grateful for God's grace in my life, and I am glad you are here for the Grace at Home party, where we celebrate all the ways we make our homes places of grace. Here are a few highlights from last week's party.
Thanksgiving is going to be very different for most of us this year, but I think perhaps that's even more reason than usual for setting a lovely Thanksgiving table. Looking for inspiration? Here are some great ideas!
Julie from My Wee Abode shows us how she sets her table and offers this wonderful printable (completely free!).
Paula from Sweet Pea shows us how she decorates with vintage items such as these gorgeous postcards:
If you do have the privilege of hosting a little larger group, you'll want to check out the wonderful ideas from Pam at Everyday Living.
If you're struggling with the fact that this Thanksgiving will not be what you wished for (I certainly am—instead of our usual table of 10 people, there will just be four of us!), you'll want to read these words of wisdom from Michele Morin at Living Our Days.
And this year, more than ever, it's important for us to take care of ourselves during the holiday season. Dr. Michelle Bengtson offers 13 suggestions for doing just that!
If you're hoping to get a head start on Christmas decorating, why not start with an Advent wreath? Jayne at Chalking Up Success gives step-by-step instructions for making your own evergreen wreath.
Speaking of Advent, I'm writing a prayer guide for this Advent season. Click here to download it for free!
Thank you to everyone who joined last week's party!
- DIY projects
- decorating
- recipes
- hospitality
- homemaking tips
- parenting
- marriage
- faith
- self-care
- soul care