Season's greetings, friends!
Isn't that an interesting sentiment? Seems that Christmas decorations and cards from my childhood often proclaimed "season's greetings," yet it's hard to imagine anyone actually saying that, isn't it? I guess when we need a generic statement we've replaced it with "Happy holidays."
Whatever greeting you use, there's no denying that Christmas is now just a few days away, so I'm really grateful to welcome you to the Grace at Home party. At this time of year especially, it's a treat to see how you've been making your homes and spheres of influence places of grace and beauty.
Here are some highlights from last week's party.
Need a moment to relax and enjoy someone else's hard work? Shelley from Calypso in the Country has a Christmas house tour for you.
While you're visiting Angela, you might also want to check out her budget Christmas decor ideas.
Need some craft ideas to keep your kids busy as you complete preparations for Christmas? Paula from Sweet Pea shares some free printable ornaments. Kids could proudly cut these out and hang them. Or you could print them out and use them as gift tags.
Need a yummy Christmas treat or a quick gift to share with neighbors? Melissa from Everyday Savvy shares her recipe for candied pecans. Don't these look yummy?
Do you need a quick meal idea for these busy days? Jenny from Not Entirely Average has you covered. Check out her recipe for 15-Minute Honey Garlic Chicken.
If you're looking ahead to 2022, you might like to choose one word to guide you rather than making a host of resolutions. Lisa from Lisa Notes can help you.
Thank you to everyone who linked up!
Now for today's party. Here at the Grace at Home party, you can link up any post you've written that demonstrates how you're filling your space with truth, goodness, and beauty. I invite you to link posts about
- DIY projects
- decorating
- recipes
- hospitality
- homemaking tips
- parenting
- marriage
- faith
- self-care
- soul care
Whatever you do to make your home or sphere of influence a place of grace, I'd like to hear about it. Here's what I ask of you. Please include the permalink to your post, not your blog's home page. Please let people know that you've linked up. No more than three posts per person, please. Note that if you link a post here, you are giving me permission to share your post, including a photo. And visit at least one of the other party participants--that's what really makes it a party!