I've begun a rhythm of posting little "pauses for prayer" for each day of the week. I'd love to have you join me in short prayer every day.
I like to start every day with the Lord's Prayer, and I pray throughout the day for various needs. But sometime during my workday, I like to pause and just spend a moment apart—a little time to re-orient my thoughts, a brief respite to center my thoughts once again on God.
If that sounds like something that would be nourishing to your soul, too, I'd love for you to join me. Here are small prayers to share for each day of the week.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you are great and you are good, and we are grateful. Thank you for your love for us and your kindness to us. We worship you, and we are thankful that you are worthy of worship. You alone can handle adoration and be unspoiled by it. Glory be to you. Amen.
Pause for prayer:Lord, as this week gets underway, our minds rush ahead to all that needs to be done—and we often succumb to anxiety. Help us learn not to rely upon ourselves alone, but to trust you for guidance, wisdom, and strength, knowing that you really do care for us. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, so many of our plans do not work out as we hope. So much is out of our control, so we ask for grace to practice self-control. Help us learn to treat ourselves and one another with compassion. May we learn to love people well, just as you do. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we need encouragement. We know you have provided so much goodness for us, but there’s so much bad in this world. Help us to look to you for everything we need and trust that you will continue to provide. Teach us. Help us grow in grace. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we are dismayed and discouraged by all that is happening in the world. We feel helpless; we hardly know how to pray. But here we are, asking you for help. We especially ask you to be with the most vulnerable. Help us not to succumb to despair. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we come to you today with all our concerns, our worries, our heartbreak. We are weary. Thank you for letting us come to you with our burdens. Refresh our spirits so that we can help those who need our help. Make us instruments of peace, we ask. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as this week ends, we find ourselves wondering what next week will bring. Help us to stay anchored in your love and to hold onto hope so that we may be better able to share your love and goodness with those who need it most. Lord, have mercy. Amen.
It gives me joy to imagine all of us pausing to pray these prayers at some point during each day. Won't you join me?
Grace and peace to you this week!