A blessed Eastertide to you!
I pray that your Easter celebration is full of joy and the wonderful knowledge that Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed!
And now it is a special joy for me to share some daily prayers with you.
I like to start every day with the Lord's Prayer, and I pray throughout the day for various needs. But sometime during my workday, I like to pause and just spend a moment apart—a little time to re-orient my thoughts, a brief respite to center my thoughts once again on God.
If that sounds like something that would be nourishing to your soul, too, I'd love for you to join me. Here are small prayers to share for each day of the week.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you are so good. You alone are worthy of our worship, and today we fall in worship at your feet as we contemplate the fact that you defeated every enemy, even death, as you provided for our eternal adoption into your family. Thank you! Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, some days life is so hard. On those days especially we thank you for your loving kindness toward us—love so great that you would stop at nothing to make a way for us to enter into your eternal circle of life and love. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as we consider all the work that faces us, we are reminded that you chose to be a humble servant, and you invite us to a life of service as well. Help us to turn away from pridefulness and to join you in loving people exceptionally well. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, no matter how broken and messy our lives may be, you come to us as a friend, accepting and loving us. Thank you for your constant presence and your enduring love. Help us to share your love with others just as you've shared so freely with us. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we are overwhelmed by your goodness and generosity and all-encompassing love. Thank you that we can never be separated from your love. Help us to follow your example of humble sacrifice and service rather than grappling for power and position. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we owe everything to you. Not just forgiveness of sins, although we are grateful for that. But you’ve done much more than that. You’ve included us in your eternal life and love. You’ve made us your children. You are so good to us, and we thank you. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you are good--so good that we struggle to find words to express your goodness. So we fall back on the old phrase that's been around for so many years and say "God is love." Help us to believe it as well as proclaim it. Amen.
In my mind's eye, I like to picture all of us pausing to pray these prayers at some point during each day. Isn't that a lovely thought?
Grace and peace to you this week!

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