Thursday, June 16

Grace at Home No. 471

Hello friends! I wish I could invite you to come sit on the front porch with me. We'd turn on the ceiling fans, sip a glass of iced tea, and relax, but we would not be sitting there in the middle of the afternoon, because we'd melt! Is it hot in your neck of the woods? It's been scorching here in North Carolina.

Hot or not, I'm so glad to welcome you to the Grace at Home party, where we celebrate the ways we make our homes places of grace and beauty. Here are some features from our last party I think you'll enjoy.

Want some fresh decor for summertime? Allyson from Southern Sunflowers has a free printable for you.

Want some patriotic decor for your home but like to keep things understated? Julie from My Wee Abode shows you how to make these cute little flags from scraps of fabric.

And these Key Lime Bars from Michelle at Powered by Mom look delicious, too!

Thank you to everyone who linked up! Now for today's party.

Here at the Grace at Home party, you can link up any post you've written that demonstrates how you're filling your space with truth, goodness, and beauty. I invite you to link posts about
  • DIY projects
  • decorating
  • recipes
  • hospitality
  • homemaking tips
  • parenting
  • marriage
  • faith
  • self-care
  • soul care
Whatever you do to make your home or sphere of influence a place of grace, I'd like to hear about it. Here's what I ask of you.  Please include the permalink to your post, not your blog's home page. Please let people know that you've linked up.  No more than three posts per person, please.  Note that if you link a post here, you are giving me permission to share your post, including a photo.  And visit at least one of the other party participants--that's what really makes it a party!


  1. Hello Richella. Our heat index was 109 yesterday, much too hot to be outdoors. Thanks so much for hosting and stay cool in the sweltering heat!

  2. Hey Richella - Nancy and I thank you for the soul food shout out!

  3. Good summer morning, Richella! Yes, it's hot here, too. I believe it was 106 yesterday though we don't have your humidity. But I can still enjoy sitting outside in the morning with the fan going.

  4. Richella,
    It has been pretty hot here but a nice weekend of low humidity and high's around 70 is predicted!!
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face Book and will do so in my next post too!! Thanks for again for hosting such a lovely party each week!!! I truly do appreciate it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  5. It's been very hot here in TN--we've even had heat advisories this week. I hope that's not an indication of a hot summer to come! I am thankful for AC and fans.

  6. Richella, here we are on the brink of summer solstice! Life is imitating the outdoors with my garden party tablescape this week in celebration. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Thank you so much for featuring my mini flags, Richella! Thank you for hosting this great party too! I am spoiled here in So Cal...still got June Gloom(low 70's) going on..but it is a little more humid than usual. Hope in cools down a little over there! Have a blessed weekend.

  8. Copycat Key Lime Crumbl cookies - YES! Great list for summer ideas. Thank you for the feature and all your work putting this together each week!

  9. Me again!! I just read your comment and again wanted to thank you for visiting and for your kind words and for the feature!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  10. Those Nancy Drew books sure do bring back some childhood memories! Thank you so much for featuring my garden printable. I appreciate it!

  11. We're having a heat wave in my neck of the woods, too. But most days sipping tea on a porch with ceiling fans going sounds lovely to me.

  12. No heat wave here - yet! give it time. Thank you for featuring my ribbon holder.

  13. Porch sitting sounds lovely. But not where I live in the summer!

  14. STILL waiting for some hot weather, but it's warm enough to encourage my tomatoes!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read every one; they make my day. If you have a specific question, please be sure your email address is attached to your profile or leave your email address in the comment; I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Every blessing!