Hello, friends! I hope your late summer days and nights have included much beauty and goodness. Here's a little glimpse of one of our evenings this week (I promise this photo is straight out of the camera; no filter!).
I have to admit that my mind automatically thought, "Red sky at night; sailor's delight." We're in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains here, so I don't know if any sailors benefited from our gorgeous red sky, but I sure love to soak up God's artistry!
I am glad to welcome you to this week's Grace at Home party, where we celebrate all the ways we make our homes places of grace. Here are some highlights from last week's party.
Ready to decorate your home for Fall? Carol from Blue Sky at Home shows you how to use Fall Foliage beautifully.
Want to create some Fall decor on a really tight budget? Steph from Steph Creates shows you how to create a cute vase using a jar from the recycling bin.
Want to jazz up your cooking or create a fun little gift for a friend? Patti from Pandora's Box shows you how to create herbal vinegars.
Looking for ways to slash costs? Lisa from Lazy Budget Chef shares a bunch of ways to save money with easy-to-make laundry products.
Does this busy season leave you with only small snatches of time in which to get things done? Julie from Filling the Jars gives some good advice for ways to be productive in just one hour.
Is this busy season presenting challenges for getting dinner on the table? Check out these quick and easy ideas!
Need a bunch of dinner inspiration? Kendra from A Proverbs 31 Wife shares five weeks of menus.
And while we're talking of making dinner, Michele Morin at Living Our Days inspires us by looking at why feeding people makes us happy.
Thank you to everyone who linked up! Now for today's party.
Here at the Grace at Home party, you can link up any post you've written that demonstrates how you're filling your space with truth, goodness, and beauty. I invite you to link posts about
- DIY projects
- decorating
- recipes
- hospitality
- homemaking tips
- parenting
- marriage
- faith
- self-care
- soul care
Whatever you do to make your home or sphere of influence a place of grace, I'd like to hear about it. Here's what I ask of you. Please include the permalink to your post, not your blog's home page. Please let people know that you've linked up. No more than three posts per person, please. Note that if you link a post here, you are giving me permission to share your post, including a photo. And visit at least one of the other party participants--that's what really makes it a party!