Thursday, May 4

Grace at Home No. 505

Hello, friends! I'm grateful to be here this morning. The past two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind in my life, with a long business trip to Colorado and then significant medical appointments for my husband and my son when I returned. Thankfully, I have no bad news to report. . . for awhile, every week seemed to bring bad news, but for now things are stable. I continue to be so very grateful for your prayers for our family.

Meanwhile, I know you've been busy! Here are a few highlights from our last Grace at Home party that caught my eye.

Do you have a porch that needs to be spruced up for spring and summer? Wendy from WM Design House shares lots of great ideas for decorating your outdoor space.

Or do you have just a tiny bit of outdoor space you'd like to freshen up. Julie from My Wee Abode shares some wonderful ideas for adding plants to even the smallest space.

Need an inexpensive project idea for creating a Mother's Day keepsake for someone? Your kids (or you!) could color these printable cards from Creatively Beth.

Are you ready to give your house a good Spring cleaning? I am! But I have to remember to declutter and organize first, or things won't stay clean and fresh. Julie from Filling the Jars offers a bunch of quick organizing tips for every room in your home.

Spring and summer are peak travel times. When I traveled to Colorado last week, I was seated directly behind a mom with a crying baby. I felt so bad for her and the little one. If you have a trip with a little one coming up, you'll be glad to get these tips from Jamie at Photo Jeepers.

Need a quick and easy dinner idea (I do!)? Carol from Comfort Spring offers a 30-minute Kung Pao Chicken recipe. 

Thank you to everyone who joined the last party!

Here are the Grace at Home party, you can link up any post you've written that demonstrates how you're filling your life with truth, goodness, and beauty. For instance, I invite you to link posts about
  • DIY projects
  • decorating
  • recipes
  • hospitality
  • homemaking tips
  • parenting
  • marriage
  • faith
  • self-care
  • soul care
Whatever you do to make your home or sphere of influence a place of grace, I'd like to hear about it. Here's what I ask of you. Please include the permalink to your post, not to your site's home page. Please let people know that you've linked up. No more than three posts per person, please. If you link a post here, you re giving me permission to share your post, including a photo. And please visit one or more of the other participants—that's what really makes it a party!


  1. I’m so glad the medical issues are stabilizing. Thank you for featuring my post!

  2. Richella, I am so glad that your hubby’s and son’s medical conditions are stable. Happy Thursday!

  3. It’s great to be connecting here again! And I am glad to hear that doctor visits are not yielding bad news these days.
    We visited Colorado recently as well and found it COLD— even compared with Maine!

  4. I'm so sorry that your husband and son are continuing to deal with medical issues. That's tough. And time-consuming too. Glad the news has been positive though!

  5. THANK YOU, Richella for featuring my Free printable Mother's Day Cards! I am glad things are well with you and your family!
    Creatively, Beth

  6. I'm glad you are enjoying spring and I thank you for featuring my Kung Pao Chicken - wishing you many blessings.

  7. Thank you for the feature about Flying with Babies! I want a front porch like the one featured. I'm excited to dive in to the organization tips - it's spring cleaning time!

  8. Richella, I'm rejoicing with you that things are stable medically. And it's good to see you back in this space. Have a great week in the Lord. Hope it includes a little rest.

  9. Great to hear no bad news re medical appointments Richella 😊😊
    Blessings, Jennifer

  10. Praise God that things are going well, Richella!! Thanks for hosting and thank you so very much for featuring my patio!! So fun! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Richella, hearing the words 'stable condition' is a blessing when you've been through life-threatening challenges. That's wonderful news. I have a garden update this week, and a PSA about a little flower so many see as a sweet little beauty. It's part of my Mayday! in the garden (#145). Have a wonderful week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read every one; they make my day. If you have a specific question, please be sure your email address is attached to your profile or leave your email address in the comment; I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Every blessing!