Thursday, July 13

Grace at Home No. 512

Hello, friends! I hope you're having a wonderful July. We're now in the time of high temperatures and high humidity. Funny—I've lived in the Southeast most of my life, but somehow the degree of humidity surprises me every summer. It's as if my mind can't quite hold onto the fact that summertime could be quite this oppressive. Do you know what I mean?

I'm very glad to welcome you to the Grace at Home party, where we pause to celebrate all the ways we make our homes places of grace and beauty. Here are some features I think you'll enjoy.

Ever wish you had that one perfect piece of furniture that would just make your room? CoCo from The Crowned Goat shows you how this special French country hutch came to be—and it didn't start out looking like this at all! (You won't believe the "before"!)

Need a new "little touch" for decorating your kitchen walls? Emily from Hunny I'm Home DIY has free printables for you.

Have you collected lots of stuff that you need to get rid of? Maybe a yard sale is a good strategy for you. Melissa from Blessed Simplicity has some great tips to get you started.

Need a delicious, refreshing summertime dessert? Check out this recipe for Orange Cream Pie from Kimberly at LouLou Girls.
Could your marriage relationship use a little kick? Lyndsey from Perfectly Imperfect has a great idea: a couples' bucket list.

Last but not least, some food for thought. You'll be inspired and challenged by this post on steadiness of soul from Barbara at Stray Thoughts.

Thank you to everyone for linking up!

Here are the Grace at Home party, you can link up any post you've written that demonstrates how you're filling your life with truth, goodness, and beauty. For instance, I invite you to link posts about
  • DIY projects
  • decorating
  • recipes
  • hospitality
  • homemaking tips
  • parenting
  • marriage
  • faith
  • self-care
  • soul care
Whatever you do to make your home or sphere of influence a place of grace, I'd like to hear about it. Here's what I ask of you. Please include the permalink to your post, not to your site's home page. Please let people know that you've linked up. No more than three posts per person, please. If you link a post here, you re giving me permission to share your post, including a photo. And please visit one or more of the other participants—that's what really makes it a party!


  1. Thank you so very much for hosting this amazing community Richella!
    Linking up at #5&6

  2. Richella, I am loving that idea of a couple's bucket list. I can't wait to sit down with my husband and work on this together. I might bring a bit more enthusiasm to the table, but I think he'll like it once we get started.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my post on steadiness of soul!
    I agree about the humidity. My father-in-law from Idaho observed observed when he visited us in the South that summer feels like a sauna outside. Even inside with the AC on, it takes an hour or so before I feel truly dry after a shower.

  4. Richella, I don't live in the Southeast but grew up in Florida in my early years and then lived on the Texas Gulf Coast for three years. So I do know about that oppressive humidity. We have the heat here in West Texas. I think it's been in the triple digits for several weeks now but without the humidity. Great features by the way. Barbara is always thought provoking and that orange cream pie looks so cool and refreshing.

  5. You are so sweet to share my painted hutch and buffet Richella, thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Working with my parents to make Loblolly a retreat space for our whole family has been a ton of work but also so much fun. I hope your summer has been a fuon one too. Big hugs and thank yous, CoCo

  6. Surprisingly, here in Missouri, we often have oppressive humidity, too. My husband doesn't mind it, but I hate it. I feel like, if I have to deal with this humidity, I'd rather have to deal with it living closer to an ocean! :)

  7. Thank you so much for hosting Richella! I hope you have a wonderful week :) Hugs- Tanya

  8. Living in Alabama I totally get the oppressive humidity. After walking in the early morning, I am drenched in sweat. Thanks so much for hosting and featuring my Tablescape.

  9. We’re just back from super dry Alaska and the humidity contrast keeps coming up in conversation—even though our temperature patterns are otherwise very similar! Just don’t love the drippy feeling!

  10. thank you so much for the feature! Made my day!

  11. As far as I'm concerned, heat and humidity should only be around for about six weeks. I'm not a summer and heat person. Thanks so much for having us over to party. Have a great weekend!

  12. Glad to see you back this week, Richella. Yes, we have officially hit our summer weather here, too! Summer is my least fave season, for many reasons. ;-) Thanks for letting us share at your party!

  13. Richella,
    Here in NEPA, we are also having the heat and humidity that is considered tropical..I want to know when Pennsylvania became tropical!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  14. Richella, thank you for the summer soiree with nice features to entertain, educate and feed us!

  15. Every summer about this time I try to talk my husband into a trip somewhere cold -- like the Arctic! (No, it doesn't work LOL!) Thanks for providing relief by hosting the party!

  16. So many great ideas!! Thanks for hosting the party for us!

  17. I love those simple items on the couples bucket list. Thanks for hosting this link up.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read every one; they make my day. If you have a specific question, please be sure your email address is attached to your profile or leave your email address in the comment; I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Every blessing!