Do you ever find yourself stuck in a trap of comparison?
I know how that feels.
I've struggled with comparison
for most of my life,
and beginning a few years ago,
I became determined
to do something about it.
for most of my life,
and beginning a few years ago,
I became determined
to do something about it.
I read every article I could find about comparison.
I read books about it.
I listened to every talk about it.
I looked everywhere I could for advice.
And some of it was pretty good. . . but most of it was—to put it bluntly—NOT HELPFUL.
So I began to study the subject of comparison in earnest, and I was surprised by what I learned. I identified myths I believed about myself, God, and other people—myths that were keeping me in the comparison trap—and then I learned eternal truths to counter those myths. Using those truths, I developed a map for the journey out of the comparison trap, a journey of walking in the freedom of Christ with confidence in ourselves and connection to others. If you’ve ever suffered from tortured moments of comparison on Facebook, in the office, or in the hallway at church, I think you’ll benefit from this fresh perspective.
Available now!

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I'm so excited about the book's cover. You can actually see yourself in the phone screen on front of the book! I'm hoping you'll be able to see yourself in the story, too.
"It's so easy to say, 'Don't compare yourself to other people,' but how do you practically live out that simple advice? How do you let go of the exhausting experience of thinking you have to be better than the parade of perfect people online? How do you let go of the mythical me who never makes mistakes? Richella has done the hard work of answering those questions and many more in a beautiful quest to wrestle comparison to the ground. I needed this wonderful book, and if comparison has ever prevented you from experiencing the joy of your own life, you might too."
"For years Richella Parham has been a kind and consistent voice of truth in my own life. Now her hard-won wisdom is available to anyone who struggles with comparison, inviting readers to find hope and healing in the circle of Trinitarian community. Mythical Me is a thoughtful blend of personal story and solid theology, and I'm grateful to Richella for writing it."
—Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday and The Next Right Thing
"Mythical Me is a sorely needed corrective to our contemporary culture's obsession with constantly adjusting our personal and public image to fit hopelessly impossible standards. The wonderful news is that Mythical Me not only provides an accurate diagnosis of these soul-crushing habit patterns, it also guides us step by step into transformative ways of living and thinking that are eminently practical and life giving. I recommend it highly."
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